Thursday, April 14, 2011


dear diary

i got a new ducky! yay! but i broke him too! so fast

it's not fair. mommy and daddy hid him from me :( but mommy says she can fix this one...i guess he is in surgery now...

please make it through mr ducky...we can have so much fun together!



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

But...he was MY ducky...

dear diary

mommy took him away from me! my ducky toy. i loved him so much...i ripped his feet off and a wing off but we were just playing! and then all this white stuff started to come out and thats when mommy took him!


i miss poor ducky! will i ever see you again?

sad face

Monday, April 11, 2011

NO....just no D:

Dear Diary

Mom gave us all a bath was horrible...Klavier squeaked and the rest of us tried to just escape. The poop was literally scared out of a few of us!

WHY does this need to happen? We like out dirty tails and stinky feets!

Scary baths!

Tho....we do smell nice and are really soft now....

No H2O plz k thnx,
The Collective Mischief

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


dear diary

mommy let the little furry things out...they look so fun! but mommy won't let me really play with them :(

they jump all over my back and my head and some bite my feet HMPH! but they bit mummy's feet too haha

mommy is REALLY protective of them...if i get too lost in my head she growls at me :( im sorry mommy! they just look SO FUN

maybe one day we can play play!

just wanna play

I'll get er thing you!

Dear diary

Today mommy had the big beasty thing in the room while we were running around. I think it's name is NO...


It has a big fluffy tail? I thinks it's the tail...anyway it was moving it around and it was the best sparing partner ever! It put up a good fight but I won...I dodged and jumped and punched my way to victory! ( ̄▽ ̄)

It was actually pretty fun...I like you NO <3

Bring it on!

Ugh just lemme go!

Dear diary

Mommy is a picture maniac! She tries to take pics of me all the time! But I win! She can't get a good shot of me because I wiggle so much hehe ( `ω´)

She gives up and puts me back and then grabs Baby who cooperates for some whore... :P

No flash photography!

Monday, April 4, 2011

new people

dear diary

mommy and daddy usually head off on sunday to play a game buy yesterday I got to go!

i met a whole bunch of new people! they were all so nice and pet me and played with me. they even called me pretty! :) yay

that was much better than staying home alone.

I hope I get to go out more often :)

waggy tail and drooly tongue